Sarabhai vs Sarabhai is one of the most loved daily soaps in Indian television. The serial revolves around a typical upper-class Gujarati family. In the family older son and his wife lives in an apartment on the same building where his parents live. The resulting clash and comedy derives from interactions between the mother in law and her bahu (daughter-in-law). After a long stay and with a high come back demand Sarabhai vs. Sarabhai is back on television from May 16 onwards.
- Initially Sarabhai vs Sarabhai re-opens as weekly show.
- Sarabhai family has moved from flats to a penthouse now. The family will see a 7-year jump.
- Sahil and Monisha has a child named Guddu.
- The kid is an attractive character – he has the qualities of all the family members. He is all set to add his tadka in the family.
- The show will see not one or two but a lot of poets from the family. To our surprise, Sahil’s son Guddu will also be narrating poetry and may compete with his own chachu.
- Rosesh’s amazing and creative poetry is back. In fact the Jr. Sarabhai also gave us a quick look of it on the LIVE video.
- Sahil Sarabhai and Indravadhan Sarabhai will be seen troubling Roshesh even more.
- Dushyant is back with a new looking and his scientific information has become deadly.
- Not much has changed in the family; on the other hand, Maya wishes to see some changes soon.
- Maya’s buddy, Roshesh’s role model, poet Kachcha Kela will be seen once again with a lot of interesting views and shayari.
- Aatish Kapadia said we will be back with a lot more fun, lot more madness in this new season. A lot of new characters will be seen on the show, as well as the Sahil’s son and Madhu Bhai. Also, the show is shot in an interesting new set up. Sarabhai family is back with a new start and a new escapade. That is my promise Aatish Kapadia said.
- Sarabhai vs Sarabhai was rated in the middle of the top 50 shows of the world, 8 times. It is also rated above the well-liked international show F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- It is expected that in new season Sarabhai vs. Sarabhai maintains the same quality and position as earlier position.