Porn is the trending subject for the youth and other age level all over the world. We have the amazing porn facts that will make you to rethink about it again.Here are the porn facts.
Porn makes more money than Football, Basket and Baseball League
Porn industry makes more money than the National Leagues of Football,Basket and Baseball all combined. They also have higher revenues than top companies such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix combined
30,00,000 unique visitor every second
There are 30,00,000 unique viewer watching porn site every second. It means with a blink of eye in a second, there are already 30,00,000 unique people watching the porn now.
Teen porn is the most searched term in google
As per the Google Trend reports, the term “teen porn” is searched most in the google. The search for the term gradually increased since 2005 increasing it in the high level till 2013.
Watching porn leads to death in North Korea
We all know how strict North Korea is, but we may not know the result of watching porn in North Korea. The punishment for watching porn in North Korea is Death.
Male Porn star earns three time more in Gay Porn
Male porn starts usually have less earning as comparison to female stars. But they make good earning which may be upto 3 times more from the Gay porn movies than that of straight porn movies
USA is the biggest producer of porn
USA is the top producer of pornographic materials in all over the world. Germany stands in the second largest producer of pornographic materials in dvds and web material. In every 39 minutes, a porn movie is created in US.
Porn sites are safer than the normal website
As per the antivirus company avast, porn sites are far safer to acces than other normal website and blog. The claim from avast is sure to increase the more traffic on porn sites.
Makes more profit than Hollywood
Porn industry earns $13 billion dollars releasing the 13000 adult videos. Hollywood whereas earns only 8.8 billion releasing 507 movies in a year.